
by Unicode LLC



Connect with local, experienced, and background checked contractors (Taskers) to help you get any task done efficiently on Sydetasker. Whether you’re in need of a Handyman, Heavy Lifter, Junk Removalist, House Cleaner, Carpenter, Snow Shoveler…. Post your task on Sydetasker. We provide qualified Taskers to help you complete any job that you cannot (or do not want to) do yourself! HOW IT WORKS1. Create and post your task for free2. Experienced Taskers put offers on your task, and are allowed to ask questions for more details on the task3. Choose & accept your preferred Tasker4. Discuss time/date with your Tasker, and get it done! PAYMENTPayment is all simply handled through the Sydetasker Payment Platform. We hold the customer’s money securely while the task is being completed, to make sure it is done right, before any money is transferred. Payment is negotiated between the Tasker and the Poster (Customer). We believe that every task is different, as well as every Tasker; so we leave negotiation power in your hands. Sydetasker keeps the platform running by charging a service fee to Taskers. This fee will be included in the Tasker’s quotes. OUR MOST POPULAR TASKSGeneral YardworkHandymanAssemblyHourly LaborJunk RemovalHeavy LiftingPhotographyHouse CleaningGutter CleaningAnything you need doneWE ARE HERE TO HELPSydetasker helps improve our users’ lives in many different ways. Our goal is to help users accomplish tasks that might not have been possible before, leading to a win-win for both the Task Poster and Tasker. Sydetasker support is also readily available for dispute resolution.